A safety switch is designed to shut off the electricity supply automatically and swiftly in the event of an electrical fault. This not only provides added safety, but also offers peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones or employees are well-protected against electrical incidents that can cause electric shocks or electrical fires.
RCD Protection – A Safety Switch to Protect your Valuables
Is your current switchboard struggling to keep up with the demands of modern electricity usage? Outdated switchboards often lack the capacity and safety features needed to protect against electrical faults. Bullock Electrical offer a complete switchboard installation and upgrade service, equipping your home or business with state-of-the-art circuit breakers and RCD protection.
Switchboard Upgrade - Enhanced Safety and Efficiency
Old, out-dated and undersized Mains cabling can lead to a range of inconveniences, Including Overloading of the Consumers mains Resulting in power disruptions and emergency Call outs.With a switchboard and Mains upgrade from Bullock Electrical, you can eliminate these disruptions and minimise inconveniences in the event of a fault.
Common Issues: Old or faulty switchboards can lead to a range of issues, including power outages, tripped circuits, and Electrical Faults which can result in a Fire.
Our Solution: Our team of licensed electricians conducts a thorough assessment of your existing switchboard and recommend a solution to suit your needs.
Reliable Circuit Breakers: We then remove any asbestos panels and install reliable circuit breakers with RCD protection to efficiently manage electrical loads, ensuring a stable and consistent electricity supply throughout your property.
Reduced Interruptions: This significantly reduces the likelihood of sudden power interruptions or inconveniences caused by outdated equipment.
Commitment to Safety: With Bullock Electricals’ meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to safety, you can trust us to perform a seamless switchboard installation or upgrade.
ASP Level 2 Accredited: At Bullock Electrical, We have Team of licenced and skilled electricians on hand and we are ASP Level 2 accredited. We can handle any switchboard and mains upgrades required to keep your lights on.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to make your space safer, more efficient, and ready for modern electrical demands.
Mains Cabling upgrade - Reliable power supply
Tamworth Switchboard Installation and Upgrades
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